Inside the Office > Crime Victim Services Division > Crime Victim Services Training, Provider Certification and Statistical Analysis

CVST Approved Trainings

Approved Trainings

Victim Service Providers must complete an approved 15-hour basic core training within one year of their date of employment in order to become a certified Victim Service Provider.

VSPs must complete 12 hours of approved continuing education each calendar year to remain certified.

The following online trainings have been approved by CVST for VSP credit. In order to receive VSP credit for this training, a Non-Accredited Certification Request (NACR) must be submitted through CVST’s website, with all module certificates attached, within 30 days of completing the training. Individual modules will not qualify for VSP credit. 

The following trainings have been approved by CVST for VSP credit. Please click on the appropriate links for registration information and course details.

ONGOING: Understanding Human Trafficking

In order to receive VSP credit for this training a Non-Accredited Certification Request (NACR) must be submitted through CVST’s website, with all module certificates attached, within 30 days of completing the training, individual modules will not qualify for VSP credit.

Sponsor: OVCTTAC - Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center

Date & Time:  Ongoing

Credit Hours:  This training provides 5 VSP credit hours for certified/compliant VSP’s 

Location: Online - Understanding Human Trafficking | Resources | OVC TTAC

Program Description:  The Understanding Human Trafficking training is a series of five interactive online modules that offer foundational learning on trauma-informed and victim-centered approaches to human trafficking. The modules are designed so that a wide audience can benefit.

For more information & registration Visit OVC TTAC’s website at the link below (Be sure to click on the FAQ tab for instructions & information):


Still need help?
Contact us with questions or if you experience technical difficulties:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1–866–682–8822

ONGOING: Identity Theft: Supporting Victims' Financial & Emotional Recovery

In order to receive VSP credit for this training a Non-Accredited Certification Request (NACR) must be submitted through CVST’s website, with all module certificates attached, within 30 days of completing the training, individual modules will not qualify for VSP credit.

Sponsor: OVCTTAC - Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center

Date & Time:  Ongoing

Credit Hours:  This training provides 4 VSP credit hours for certified/compliant VSP’s 

Location: Online - Identity Theft Victim Assistance Online Training: Supporting Victims' Financial and Emotional Recovery | Resources | OVC TTAC

Program Description:  Launched in November 2009, Identity Theft Victim Assistance Online Training, Supporting Victims’ Financial & Emotional Recovery, is a user-friendly e-learning tool that will provide victim service professionals and other allied professionals knowledge and skills to more effectively serve victims of identity theft and assist with their financial and emotional recovery. It includes:

  • A wealth of information about the various types of identity theft, laws that support victims’ rights, as well as referral agency and resource information to better serve victims of identity theft.
  • Engaging case studies to provide victim advocates with opportunities to interact with victims of identity theft through the path of recovery.

Visit OVC TTAC’s Web site at the link below to access the Training (Be sure to click on the FAQ tab for instructions & information) 


Still need help?
Contact us with questions or if you experience technical difficulties:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1–866–682–8822

Victims’ Rights and Mandated Services: An Online Notifier/Support Staff Training

* This webinar will provide the 2 hours of mandated biennial training for Notifiers/Support Staff.*

Date & Time:  Ongoing

Location: Online 

CVST Course # 673

Approved Credit Hours: 2.0

Sponsor: Department of Crime Victim Services Training

Contact:  [email protected]

To register, please email [email protected] with the following information:

  • Name
  • Agency
  • VSP ID Number
  • Work Email Address

IMPORTANT:  Once CVST receives your request to complete this online Notifier/Support Staff training, you’ll be sent an invitation link to access the training.  You have three weeks from receipt of the invitation to complete the training or your link will expire.  Once the training has been completed CVST will receive notice & VSP credit will be provided.

South Carolina Child Abuse Response Protocol Training

Credit Hours:  3.25 VSP hours

Location: Online, self-paced format

The protocol training that is mandated by the South Carolina Child Abuse Response Protocol Act is now available for all professionals involved in the child abuse response system in South Carolina.

Description: This training contains the online modules required to complete the South Carolina Child Abuse Protocol Training as outlined in the South Carolina Child Abuse Response Protocol Act. The training details mandated procedures for a Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) and Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) approach to child abuse by addressing the functions of the CAC/MDT, roles and responsibilities of each discipline, and the interaction of these disciplines during the child abuse response process. A coordinated, MDT approach facilitates efficient interagency communication and information sharing, ongoing involvement of key individuals, and support for children and families. 

For more information: SC Protocol Training Flyer

To Register:



             *************************Important Note******************************


In order to receive VSP credit for this training a Non-Accredited Certification Request (NACR) must be submitted through CVST’s website, with certificates /badges attached, within 30 days of completing the training, individual modules will not qualify for VSP credit.


Sponsor: OVCTTAC - Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center

Date & Time:  Ongoing

Credit Hours:  This training provides 4 VSP credit hours for certified/compliant VSP’s 

Location: Online Center

Program Description:  This interactive Web-based training program for legal aid and civil attorneys has four modules that offer a variety of information, tools, and resources to identify and respond to elder abuse, including Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Financial Fraud and Exploitation, Ethical Issues and Practical Strategies, and What Every Legal Services Lawyer Needs to Know About Elder Abuse.

For more information & registration Visit OVC TTAC’s website at the link below (Be sure to click on the FAQ tab for instructions & information):


Still need help?
Contact us with questions or if you experience technical difficulties:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1–866–682–8822

SCknowmore Webinar Series

1. Safety For Those Who Stay

Providing Care for Victims of Strangulation

Strangulation is a frequently utilized method in domestic assault. However, this injury is often minimized or missed by those who provide care or services to the patient.

Speaker: Ellen Kennedy

1.5 hours of VSP credit available

Click here to register.


2. Imperfect Victims

Criminalized Survivors and the Promise of Abolition Feminism

This talk will document how the criminal legal system punishes survivors of violence.

Speaker: Leigh Goodmark

1.5 hours of VSP credit available

Click here to register.


3. The Ins and Outs of Civil Stalking

Or Harassment Restraining Orders in SC

This webinar will focus on understanding the legal definition of stalking and harassment in South Carolina and the requirements for filing a civil Complaint and Motion for a Stalking and Harassment Restraining Order.

1.5 hours of VSP credit available

Click here to register.


4. The Critical Intersections of Sex Trafficking

and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives

The presenter will explore the critical intersection of sex trafficking and murdered and missing indigenous relatives and offer support and training around the historical connections of Tribal cultures, impacts, policy, sovereignty, and traditional values.

Speaker: Nicole Matthews

1.25 hours of VSP credit available

Click here to register.


5. Responding to Violent Behavior with the Three Trees of Change

Emotional Resilience, Cognitive Consonance & Behavioral Efficacy

This webinar will introduce participants to effective practices in working with individuals who engage in violence. The Three Trees of Change will be explored within the framework of static, stable, and acute risk factors.

Speaker: Ben Motley

1.75 hours of VSP credit available

Click here to register.


6. Trauma Informed Investigative Response

to Sexual Assault and IPV Victims

Victims react to the psychological trauma of sexual assault and intimate partner violence in various ways. In order to ensure that survivors receive the support and services that they need during the criminal legal process, it is important to understand the key principles of a trauma-informed response.

Speaker: Lt. Mark Wynn (Ret.)

1.75 hours of VSP credit available

Click here to register.